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Friday, July 2, 2010

Culture shock

People often ask about culture shock when you move abroad. I have always experienced more culture shock when I return home. This is perhaps why I haven't had time to reflect on my experiences on my blog lately! The graduation open house had to be finalized, prepared for, and carried out. The yard needed to be weeded, flowers planted. The deck needed to be cleaned off. My windows and van needed to be washed. Doctor and dentist appoints had to be made and attended to. Prescriptions needed to be filled. Books needed to ordered for my fall courses. The stacks of mail from both work and home had to be sorted and in some cases, responded to. I had to find the bottom to my refrigerator after having 4 young women living in the house and not knowing whose food is whose. And call start to come, involving requests for things from you. All of life--physical and emotional--that had been left behind piles up in your absence and has to be attended to all at once. And what is most difficult is that there is nothing new. The adventure is over. And I miss my Hong Kong friends.

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